This is going to get ugly for Amazon and quickly. I mean, look at these two pieces of hardwear. Is there anyone on the planet who prefers the one at the top of the page. White plastic with a black and white screen or a slick black and silver beauty with a color screen, mmm let me think about that. And the Apple iPAD is only $200 more with full web access and 140,000 plus apps to choose from.
It wasn't long ago that the Kindle looked cool - that was before Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ive, Apple's Chief Designer, delivered the iPAD to the world. Get ready for the media and public scrum outside of every Apple Retail store across the world in 50 days.
The question all companies should be asking themselves now? What content should we be producing that works on iPAD and the copycat tablets that will follow. Strategy my friends, content strategy. Without one you are just blogging, tweeting and facebooking into cyberspace. More to follow tomorrow
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